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Research On Global Warming

Research on Global Warming

Research is constantly through done on global warming. The research is being done by studying statistics and by going directly to the source. Variant scientists are coming up with different answers to the most basic questions about global warming.

Some scientists studying global warming in the Arctic have discovered thinning sea ice near the northern reaches of Alaska. The summer of 2007 showed the least sea ice since sea ice was first tracked in 1979. Scientists participating in the Woods Rift Oceanographic Institution's Gyre Exploration Project cruised aboard the Canadian Coast Guard's ship, the Icebreaker, to see the effects of global warming owing to themselves.

When they reached the area where ice would usually be the thickest and heaviest, the ship sailed right through. When they did see ice, it was in a state of disintegration because of global warming. Most of the ice remaining was young ice, which is more vulnerable to thaw. The scientists took their data home to teach during the colder months.

Another group, with the Arctic Modeling Group and the IJIS Research Group, set sail along the Alaskan coast in the Chukchi Sea. Their mission was to study different variables of the ocean water that might affect phytoplankton. They found that the water was warmer than the satellite statistics. The satellite showed 10 degrees Celsius, era their measurements showed 14 degrees Celsius. This is an example of global warming.

One see about was done linking the Russian peat bogs with global warming. The bogs produce a large amount of methane gas. According to carbon dating that was done, this has been the case since the last ice age. Since methane is one of the greenhouse gases, this impacts global warming.

However, the studies also show that the peat bogs absorb carbon dioxide at an impressive rate. They work in the largest illustration stores on the planet. If the peat bogs dry augmentation due to global warming, they would release this appearance dioxide into the air. The trade - off of carbon dioxide for methane would not be a good unaccompanied, since methane stays in the atmosphere a shorter time.

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography have been busy proving that humans ride some culpability for the climate copper in the oceans. They have done this both by observing and noting test, and by constructing computer models.

The computer models are based on the evidence that they do hold, so they are deriving to be quite accurate. Keep from all the data in place, the evidence seems to limitation to definite global warming events. It also makes it clear that humans have played a part in causing this phenomenon.

An MIT professor has studied the effects of warming waters on hurricanes over the last fifty years. He studied statistics from past storms and generated computer models to test his theory. His specialty is meteorology, so his take on global warming is of interest. He found that the hurricanes have indeed been getting stronger since 1970.

Research is important to the field of global warming studies. It is only by knowing the problem in precise detail that people can adequately confront it.


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