Possible ShortTerm Benefits Of Global Warming at Global Warming
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Possible ShortTerm Benefits Of Global Warming

Possible Short - Term Benefits of Global Warming

It is certain that enough global warming would be harmful to human beings. If the temperatures were scorching enough and the sea levels were grand enough, it would spell an end to zest as it is known at this time. Fundamentally, there may be some short - term benefits of global warming.

Few people would argue and say that a warm climate is not preferable to a cold one. Not only are warm climates generally more pleasant, there are health benefits as well. People who suffer from conditions that are affected by the cold, such as rheumatoid arthritis, often stroke to warmer climates. A small amount of global warming would allow people to stay in their homes.

One scientist did an extensive study of statistics to find out the health benefits of warmer weather. He studied the numbers of deaths in different months of the year in places that get cold in the winter and warm in the summer. He determined that many more people die in the winter than in the summer. This would seem to support the benefits of global warming.

However, he also noted that the statistics in this part of the study were not entirely accurate. They were muddied by the fact that there are other considerations during season changes that would not occur in global warming. For example, days were shorter in winter, but they would not be shorter if more global warming occurred.

In 2004, it was observed by lobster fishermen that the warmer temperatures caused by global warming had affected their struggle. There seemed to be an abundance of Maine lobsters living and thriving in the warmer waters. They were happy for the increase, but expected it to be short - lived as the optimal temperature for lobsters probably has a very small range.

It has been thought thanks to fully some tour that global warming would increase the amount of corn, wheat, barley, and other grains that could be grown. Not only the warmer weather and the longer growing seasons were anticipated to yield this result. Carbon dioxide exposure was expected to increase productivity along with global warming.

Studies hold shown, though, that the statue dioxide benefits are very minimal. Current projections are that farmers leave only be able to keep up with demand for crops for a few more decades. Then, undeniable is predicted that world - wide shortages will take retention.

Furthermore, agriculture in tropical zones is expected to decline rapidly as the temperature becomes too hot to support plant impulse. The temperate zones will be able to have higher quality farming, and more of the world's crops will be grown there.

Some economists point to global warming as a boon to international trade. They feel that the obliteration of ice sheets in the Refreshing will open up routes that have not been accessible in the past. This will provide faster travel between Europe, America, and Asia, they say.

People give plenty of reasons to embrace global warming. They see only promise in the climate change of their planet. Conceivably they just do not want to touch indispensable to do anything about global warming. Or, perhaps there is some room due to hope.


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